Where’s the Remote?: This Is Us S4 E6 and E7

Season 4 Episode 6 – The Club
Season 4 Episode 7 – The Dinner and the Date

We’re chatting about the sixth and seventh episodes of This Is Us.

Episode 6 – In the past (the 70s) Jack goes golfing with Rebecca’s father and hates it. In the 90s Jack teaches Randall how to play golf and learns a few lessons of his own. In the present Randall plays the game with other city councilmen, Kate and Toby’s physical relationship is lacking, and Kevin and Cassidy’s relationship takes an expected unexpected turn.

Episode 7 – Deja and Malik cut school, to see Malik’s Philadelphia. Randall and Beth invite Malik and his parents to dinner. In the 70s, the Pearson’s have dinner with Mr. Lawrence (Randall’s teacher) and his wife.

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