Where’s the Remote?: This Is Us S3 E12

Season 3 Episode 12 – Songbird Road Pt. 2

Leona, Tea, and Chele chat about the latest episode of This Is Us.

In the past, Jack is distant. He supposed to take Kevin to meet John Smiley, he asks Rebecca to go in his place. He stays home with Kate and Randall, who are making Valentine’s Day cards. Throughout the day Jack is emotionally disconnected; as adults Kate and Randall remember that day differently.

In the present, Kevin is eager to help Nicky and get him into a VA facility. Rebecca shows up to meet Nicky, while Kate and Randall decide to go home. Nicky is overwhelmed by Kevin and his newfound family and expresses his discomfort in a way that hurts Kevin. On the way home, Kate and Randall stop to visit the house that’s replaced their old one and reminisce about the past.

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